8 excerpts from the 1708 (3rd edition of)

The Celestial Atlas of Andreas Cellarius (1660)

The Harmonia Macrocosmica of Andreas Cellarius


Cellarius (Andreas) A group of 8 celstial and planetary charts,from the Harmonia Macrocosmica, 3rd edition, set within decorative borders with putti, allegorical figures, portraits of astronomers and smaller inset charts, engraved charts with original hand-colouring, each c.420 x 515mm., each with a central vertical fold, Amsterdam, Valk & Schenk, 1708 (8)

***The charts included are Planisphærium Arateum; Planisphærium Ptolemaicum; Hemisphærium Orbis Antiqui Cum Zonis, Circulis, Et Situ Populorum Diverso; Theoria SolisPer Eccentricum Sine Epicyclo; Hemisphæra Sphærarum Rectæ et Obliquæ; Typus Aspectuum Oppositionum et Coniuctionum; Theoriatrium Superiorum Planetarum; Theoria Veneris et Mercurii..


$6000 OBO




PLANISPHÆRIVM PTOLEMAICVM, Sive Machina ORBIVM MVNDI EX HYPOTHESI PTOLEMAICA IN PLANO DISPOSITA – The planisphere of Ptolemy, or the mechanism (i.e. the movements) of the heavenly orbits following the hypothesis of Ptolemy laid out in a planar view.

THEORIA TRIUM SUPERIORUM PLANETARUM – Representation (of the motions) of the three superior planets (Mars, Jupiter & Saturn). Engraved by Johannes van Loon.


HEMISPHÆRIVM ORBIS ANTIQVI, CVM ZONIS, CIRCVLIS, ET SITV POPVLORUM DIVERSO – The hemisphere of the Old World, with its (climate) zones, (meridian) circles and the dwelling places of the distinctive races. Engraved by Johannes van Loon.

PLANISPHÆRIVM ARATEVM Sive Compages ORBIVM MVNDANORVM EX HYPOTHESI ARATEA IN PLANO EXPRESSA – The planisphere of Aratus, or the composition of the heavenly orbits following the hypothesis of Aratus expressed in a planar view.


TYPUS ASPECTUUM, OPPOSITIONUM ET CONIUNCTIONUM ETZ IN PLANETIS – The (astrological) aspects, such as opposition, conjunction, etc., among the planets. Engraved by Johannes van Loon.


THEORIA SOLIS PER ECCENTRICUM SINE EPICYCLO – Representation of the Sun in an eccentric orbit without epicycles. Engraved by Johannes van Loon.


THEORIA VENERIS ET MERCURII – Representation (of the motions) of Venus and Mercury. Engraved by Johanne van Loon.

HÆMISPHÆRIA SPHÆRARUM RECTÆ ET OBLIQUÆ UTRIUSQUE MOTUS ET LONGITUDINES TAM COELESTES QUAM TERRESTRES AC STELLARUM AFFECTIONES MONS[T]RANTIA – Hemispheres displaying both the celestial and terrestrial motions and longitudes of either sphere, the upright sphere (i.e. the equatorial co-ordinate system) and the oblique sphere (i.e. the ecliptic co-ordinate system), along with the influences of the stars.