Vol Three - Das Kloster, weltlich und geistlich; meist aus der ältern deutschen Volks-, Wunder-, Curiositäten-, und vorzugsweise komischen Literatur

The monastery, secular and spiritual; mostly from the older German folk, wonder, curiosities, 
and preferably comic literature



Publication date  by Scheible, J.



Das Kloster ("The Cloister"; full title Das Kloster. Weltlich und geistlich. Meist aus der ältern deutschen Volks-,

Wunder-, Curiositäten-, und vorzugsweise komischen Literatur "The Cloister. Profane and sacred.


Mostly from older German Popular, Miraculous, Curious and especially Comical Literature") is a collection of magical and occult texts, 

chapbooks, folklore, popular superstition and fairy tales of the German Renaissance compiled by Stuttgart antiquarian Johann Scheible in 12 volumes, 1845-1849.

Vols. 3, 5 and 11 are dedicated to the Faust legend. Vols. 7, 9 and 12 dealing with topics of folklore and ethnography were written by F. Nork

(pseudonym of Friedrich Korn, 1803–1850).


vol. 3 (1846), 1065 pp, ch. 9-12, Christoph Wagner, Don Juan Tenorio und verschiedene Schwarzkünstler und Beschwörer

Christoph Wagner, Don Juan Tenorio and various black artists and summoners

9. Christoph Wagner

10. incantation and oracle

11. Don Juan Tenorio of Sevilla

12. pacts with the devil, various nigromancers



9. Christoph Wagner


10. incantation and oracle, 11. Don Juan Tenorio of Sevilla.


12. pacts with the devil, various nigromancers