Musaeum hermeticum, reformatum et amplificatum : omnes sopho-spagyricae artis discipulos fidelissimè erudiens, quo pacto summa illa veraque lapidis philosophici medicina, qua res omnes qualemcunque defectum patientes, instaurantur, inveniri & haberi queat : continens tractatus chimicos XXI. praestantissimos ..


Museum hermeticum, reformed and expanded, the Sopho-spagyricae trade fidelissimè educating students, which means that the sum total of the Philosophers stone medicine, the kind of failure that the patient is established, it can be found and the continent negotiations chimicos 21. excellent ..


by Merian, Matthaeus, 1593-1650

Publication date

First published by Luca Jennis (Frankfort, 1625); cf. Hogart

Added t.p. with etched border. Most tractatus also have special t.p.'s, most with vignettes; those that include imprints are dated 1677

Symbolic etched frontispiece. Tractatus X has 15 etched symbolic ill. Tractatus XXI consists of 4 folded engraved symbolic plates (some etching), with explanatory legends. The frontispiece and plate 4 are signed: M.Merian fecit


Full manuscript here.