Johann Michael Faust (1663-1707), Compendium alchymist. novum, sive, Pandora explicata & figuris jllustrataBRIEF alchymist. new, or, Pandora & figures explained and illustrated.Compendium alchymist. novum, sive, Pandora explicata & figuris jllustrata, das ist, Die edelste Gabe Gottes, oder, Ein güldener Schatz : mit welchem die alten und neuen Philosophi, die unvollkommene Metall, durch Gewalt des Feuers verbessert, und allerhand schädliche und unheylsame Kranckheiten innerlich und äusserlich, durch deren Würckung vertrieben haben : dieser Edition wird annoch, nebst vielen Kupffern und über 800 Philosophischen Anmerckungen, ein volkomenes Lexicon alchymisticum novum, und ein vollständiges Register rerum & verborum, beygefüget. Compendium Alchymist. novum, sive, Pandora explicata & figuris jllustrata that is, the noblest gift of God, or, A Güldener treasure with which the old and new Philosophi that imperfect metal, enhanced by violence of fire, and all sorts of harmful and unheylsame Kranckheiten internally and externally, have driven through their Würckung: this edition is annoch, besides many Kupffern and over 800 Philosophical Anmerckungen, a folk Hippomenes Lexicon alchymisticum novum, and a complete index rerum & verborum, beygefüget. by Faust, Johann Michael, 1663-1707; Reusner, Hieronymus, b. 1558. Pandora; Marchand, Johann Christian, 1680-1711 Brief extracts in Latin from writers on alchemy, with commentary in German. Based on Reusner's Pandora of 1582. See Hogart T.p. across 2 pages, tipped in at center fold; printed in red and black Frontispiece extends across 2 pages, tipped in at center fold. It is signed: L.C. Marchand fecit in Nürnberg. Nineteen engravings, bound between p. 1008 and [1021], have alchemical symbolism. Most are followed by a leaf in letterpress that gives on the recto Reusner's explanation of the symbolism, keyed to letters on the engraving, and on the verso that of Faustius. There are also in-text woodcut ill Frontispiece and engravings of Library's copy are hand colored with watercolors including gold and silver. Eleven woodcuts (as well as 2 tailpieces) between p. 241 and 362 are also hand colored Hogart, R. Alchemy