"Luciani’s provocative ritual chamber series of three 14” x 14” signed prints (in a limited edition of 5) was created specifically for this exhibit, and perfectly exemplifies the profound influence that William Mortensen has had on successive generations of creators since his quiet passing in 1965. Her gorgeous 2022 work titled Mother of Grace, Mother of Sin, Mother of Sorrow I, seen here, echoes Mortensen’s 1927 photogravure The Mark of The Devil. However, Luciani centers lusty women as the active agents of her decidedly LaVeyan ceremony. “William Mortensen was truly a pioneer for early occult imagery, violating all tradition and embracing both light and darkness,” she posits, “By placing women in both dominant and submissive roles, Mortensen challenged the viewer to confront both power and submission, life and death. His work showcased women in power while keeping an underlying message of intrigue, fear, and mysticism.”

-- Dennis Dread Wyrdwar Gallery, Portland.


Brittany Rose Luciani "Mother of Grace, Mother of Sin, Mother of Sorrow I, II and III" 2022 click to enlarge



William Mortensen's Art and Legacy at Wyrdwar Gallery, Portland

Brittany Rose Luciani is a self-taught photographer, using the camera since she was a child. Having grown up with her grandmother who was an artist, she was encouraged at a very young age to express herself creatively. Brittany began her interest in the paranormal and occult at a young age as well. The two interests converged later when she began a professional practice as an artist, all the while supporting herself and her daughter as a house painter while living in Ohio.

The subject matter of Brittany's art and compositional elements are heavily guided by Mortensen's theories of the "Dominant Mass" in his 1937 magnum opus "The Command to Look", his treatise on the psychology of perception. Brittany's art not only demonstrates a deep knowledge of intuitively striking compositional elements, but a will and courage to explore subject matter not quickly embraced by the mainstream culture, yet whose culmination of technique and vision manifest an overt affirmation of the quality of the left-hand path.

Coven Of Hell 2023

“Channeled Hymn” 2022




Ritual Bowl II - 2022 / Ceramics - Iron Oxide


Scorpion Bowl - 2021 / Ceramics


Ritual Bowl I - 2021 / Ceramics - Iron Oxide

Sacred Box- 2021 / Ceramics


Self portrait 2022

 “No Light in the House of Usher” 2023