>Art, magic and sexual forces are combined in a unique efficacy.
Sorcery and investigation in a liquid intuition of an Aquarius in a labyrinth of nerves and synapses within the body, invoking
the omnipresent energies of Sol and Luna ..becoming the Hermaphroditic Devil.
''i'll take hold of myself with two hands
So that i'll not drain myself in the silence of the cave
So that i'll not be a slave to my violent love
And my soul will calm itself
Naked in my pleasing body''
'Pericoloso Sporgersi' - Joyce Mansour
Works have been published in several Esoteric and Literary publications Anathema Publishing,
Qliphoth Esoteric Publication,Fulgur, Aeon Sophia Press, Silk Milk, Abraxas Journal,
and The Swan River Press.
Works have been exhibited in Ireland, USA, UK and Poland.
Dolorosa De La Cruz "Now I Leave Them All In The Never Never Land", 2016
comissioned for the exhibtion "Saint-Bowie" April 2016 Stephen Romano Galler, Broolyn