Nahw Yg is an Autodidact. (An autodidact ( ancient Greek αὐτός autos 'self' and didaskein 'teach') is a person who independently acquires knowledge or skills or has acquired them through observation, experiments, practice or reading. A directed autodidactic learning process is also referred to as self-study , in contrast to formalized study at a university*).
She didnt go to any art school or apprenticed with a professional. Instead she attended medical school at 17 years old, and began to work in the field at 19. According to her, she "did many stages in psychiatry and disabled people, my "speciality" .. she developed a private practice as a Craniosacral therapy**. She says "I have been working in hospital for 10 years and then quit it to explore other sides of caring. Recently i came to hospital as volunteer during the Covid phase.."
Nahw Yg says she began photography 8 years ago.. when asked about what inspired her to pick up a camera: "Inner Emotions and feelings led me to begin photography. It was almost metaphysical, to express through the body the hardly expressible, the intangible / invisible. I create like i smile or cry, an impulse'.
Nahw Yg's photographs were featured in the exhibtion "Apparitions" held at the Buckland Museum of Witchcraft and Magick in Cleveland Ohio through 2020, and were featured in the exhibition "TRANSMUTATIONS: Witches, Healers, Oracles" at the Buckland Museum as well.