Barry William Hale has been described as an occult artist, while a superficially germane term; on closer inspection it radiates a self-consciously unwelcome specificity. Too redolent of those early twentieth century outsider artists whose work depended on visionary states, specific knowledge of ancient mysteries, or some other Qabalistic obscurity. Hale, it should be noted, has certainly done nothing to dissuade such labels, mischievously luxuriating in such terms when fitting.
It is apparent from his biography that he is, for example, an outspoken member of the OTO. But such groups encourage individual exploration, undoubtedly an attraction to Hale whose very genealogy radiates the outlaw.
Pomba-gira da Calunga Circular de Pontos Riscado.
Barry William Hale's art in the exhibition "The Language of Birds" curated by Pam Grossman January - February 2016 80W Gallery, NYC
"Blackstar" created for the exhibition "Saint Bowie" 2016
"Blackstar" cut vinyl on glass created for the exhibition "Saint Bowie" 2016
"Baphomet REX MUNDI" 2015 acrylic on canvas
"Magica Sexualis" co-curated by Barry WIlliam Hale and Stephen Romano at Stephen Romano Gallery October 2015
Magica Sexualis: Your Quick And Dirty Guide To The Erotic Occult
Huffington Post
Magica Sexualis exhibition in New York
Spiral Nature Magazine
Instalation shot of "Materia Prima" at BLAM Brooklyn top:Olga Fröbe-Kapteyn. bottom: Barry William Hale
Pomba-gira Circulo de Pontos Riscado
Barry WIlliam Hale at Morbid Anatomy Museum's "OPUS HYPNAGOGIA", Brooklyn NY curated by Stephen Romano 2015 with Haitian voodoo altar
BEELZEBUB & 49 SERVETORS Plexiglass Instalation
"Japanese Devil-Boy insulting visitors”-Recreatj g the Abbey of Thelema series, 2012, acrylic on canvas 100cm x 100cm / 39” x 39”
CODEX 231: 1 of 11- The Paladin and his Demon
KOLOR KODEX:楊任YANG REN the Chinese Sorcerer. acrylic on canvas
ARCANA 231 series [ 1 of 24 ] : Wheel of the Cells of the Genii of the Qlipoth. Ink and pencil on paper
LEGION 49 Barry William Hale, Fulgur, London, 2009
17th AUSTRALIAN ART BIENNALE, Sydney, NOKO: Performance
LEGION 49: Circle of Conjuration
Chinese Dragon-Dog on Guard, acrylic on canvas 100cm x 100cm
The Devil our Lord. Alt title Baphomet in Blue, Acrylic on canvas 100cm x 100cm
Barry William Hale at Scope Art Fair New York 2018
‘ Heaven and Earth Are Married, When the Dragon and Tiger Meet.’ 2017 includes Mortensen “Sojin” c. 1929, “Anna May Wong” original photographic prints c. 1929
Intervention of vintage photogravures by William Mortensen for the Dark Mofo Festival 2018, comissioned by Stephen Romano Gallery.
Exhibition detail of "Opening the the Third Eye" at The Living Gallery curated by Stephen Romano 2018
with Daniel Goncalves, Alexis Palmer Karl, Natsumi Goldfish
Solo exhibition of works by Barry William Hale at the Buckland Museum of Witchcraft and Magick, Cleveland, 2018